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Scottish finance


A case of the jitters


As the Scottish referendum nears, capital takesfright


BEFORE this week many investors and money managers had dismissed the possibility thatScotland would vote to leave the United Kingdom on September 18th as too remote to worryabout. But then came a poll by YouGov for the Times newspaper showing that support forindependence had risen sharply. And so all the well-rehearsed uncertainty over anindependent Scotland's economic and financial arrangements is beginning to feel rather lesstheoretical, and more urgent.


Most jittery are banks, pension funds and other businesses with significant cross-borderinterests. Polls from the Scottish Chambers of Commerce have shown in the past that 10% offirms have considered moving away from Scotland if the country votes to go it alone, that afurther 8% have definite plans to move and that 5% would expand their English operations orset up an English company. More such businesses have spoken openly as the referendumnears. Standard Life, an insurer, has said it has drawn up contingency plans to move south inthe event of a “Yes” vote. It has been widely reported that Lloyds Banking Group, which ownsBank of Scotland, would shift its headquarters from Edinburgh to London as well.


Douglas Baillie, a pensions expert, says that clients from south of the border are ringing up,worrying about the future of their pension and life-assurance policies held in the likes ofStandard Life, Scottish Widows (owned by Lloyds) and Aegon (formerly Scottish Equitable). Allare Edinburgh-based and among the largest pension funds in Britain. English investors want toknow whether they would still be paid in pounds, says Mr Baillie. They also worry that theywould no longer have any sway through the ballot box over the tax regime governing theirpensions. If Scotland votes to leave, warns Mr Baillie, the flow of pension money into theScottish-based insurance companies from outside Scotland may well dry up. And there wouldbe transfers out, to English-based companies. “They will run for cover, to a safe haven,” hesays.


This fear of capital flight is most worrying. The share price of Lloyds slid slightly afterYouGov's poll was released. The pound has fallen slightly, too, although this cannot beattributed entirely to worries over the referendum. One senior banker, Bill O'Neill of UBS WealthManagement, says that the markets have moved from pricing Scottish independence at a “onein six chance to about one in four”, and that some money has already been moved out ofScottish bank accounts and assets, mainly by clients with self-invested pensions worried aboutcompany stocks exposed to Scotland. But for the time being this is merely “precautionary”, hesays. Another wealth manager, Bryan Johnston of Brewin Dophin, says his clients are alsoseeking advice on precautionary measures in case of a “Yes” vote. Investors are taking outderivatives to hedge against volatility in the pound and equities.

資金外流問題是最令人擔(dān)憂的了。尤格夫(YouGov)的民意調(diào)查公布之后,勞埃德的股價(jià)有了輕微的下滑。英鎊的匯率也有所下跌,盡管這不能完全歸咎于民眾對(duì)公投結(jié)果的擔(dān)憂。一位高級(jí)銀行家,來自瑞銀財(cái)富管理的比爾·奧尼爾(Bill O'Neill)稱,市場(chǎng)對(duì)蘇格蘭獨(dú)立可能性的猜測(cè)已經(jīng)從“六分之一上漲至四分之一”,同時(shí)還有許多資金以及資產(chǎn)早已從蘇格蘭的銀行賬戶中轉(zhuǎn)走,這些資產(chǎn)的持有人大多是自有投資個(gè)人養(yǎng)老金的人,他們十分擔(dān)心公司股票將會(huì)完全受控于蘇格蘭。不過目前這樣的行為也僅僅只是“預(yù)防措施”而言,他說道。另一位財(cái)富經(jīng)理,來自Brewin Dophin的布萊恩·約翰斯頓(Bill O'Neill)稱,他的客戶同樣也在咨詢蘇格蘭獨(dú)立后的預(yù)防措施。投資者紛紛拿出金融衍生工具來規(guī)避英鎊和資產(chǎn)波動(dòng)帶來的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

If the prospect of a departure worries bankers and investors, of course, an actual one wouldcause enormous upheaval. Nationalists have set a date of March 2016 to separate from theUnited Kingdom. That is probably too ambitious. However long the negotiations take, they willbe tortuous and ill-tempered. Almost everything, from currency to nuclear weapons, would beon the table, making for a fluid, uncertain picture. Expect the jitters to continue.


1.worry about 擔(dān)憂,煩惱

例句:Those comments suggest an oil-addictedglobal economy has little to worry about from thisweek's price spike.


2.begin to 開始

例句:They often find they begin to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.


3.plan to 計(jì)劃

例句:The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising.


4.set up 建立

例句:I set up a ginger group on the environment.





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