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最后更新時間:2013-09-23 23:43:43
輔導課程:暑期集訓 在線咨詢
復習緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風輕襲,來跨考秋季集訓營,幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>
? ? ? ? ? ?   我們一再強調(diào)考研作文的寫作不能僅僅背誦幾篇模板就試圖蒙混過關,想要取得優(yōu)異的成績,考生們必須掌握經(jīng)典句型和閃光詞匯,下面,我們匯總了部分有關社會、文化與教育的文章,供考生參考。>>>九篇必背作文匯總

  社會/文化/歷史背景 background

  在一定的歷史條件下 in a given historical context

  在這種特定條件下 under such circumstances

  價值觀 values

  根深蒂固的觀念 deep - rooted notion

  生活節(jié)奏 pace of life

  個人成就 personal fulfillment

  愛國主義 patriotism

  責任感 sense of responsibility

  競爭意識 sense of competition

  自然災害 natural disaster

  職業(yè)教育 vocational education

  繼續(xù)教育 further education

  學前教育 pre - school education

  高等教育 education of higher learning / higher education

  人口眾多 large in population

  人口密度 population density

  教育投入 input in education

  崗位培訓 undergo job - specific training

  普及教育 universal education

  義務教育 compulsory education/free education

  初等教育 elementary education

  職業(yè)道德 professional ethics

  高等學校 institution of higher education

  綜合性大學 comprehensive university

  文科大學 university of liberal arts

  理工科大學 college / university of science and engineering

  師范大學 normal university

  工業(yè)大學 polytechnic university

  農(nóng)業(yè)大學 agricultural university

  醫(yī)科大學 medical university

  重點學校 key school

  業(yè)余學校 spare - time school

  職業(yè)學校 vocational school

  重點學科 key disciplinary areas; priority fields of study

  希望工程 Project Hope

  學齡兒童 school - age

  人才枯竭 exhaustion of human resources

  輟 / 失學青少年 school dropout/leaver

  服務性行業(yè) service trade

  在職培訓 on - the - job / in - service training

  學分制 the credit system

  包分配 guarantee job assignments

  學術報告會,專題討論會 symposium

  記者招待會 press conference

  國家教育經(jīng)費 national expenditure education

  財政撥款 financial allocation

  專任教師 full - time teacher

  教育方針 guideline(s) / guiding principle(s)for education

  德才兼?zhèn)?to combine ability with character

  自學成才 to become educated through independent study

  啟發(fā)式 elicitation method(of teaching)

  填鴨式教學法 cramming method of teaching

  附中 attached middle school

  進修班 class for advanced studies

  專修科 special(training)course

  自學考試 self  taught examination

  教職員 teaching and administrative staff

  教學人員 the faculty; teaching staff

  中、小學校長 headmaster/headmistress; principal

  大專院校校長 president; chancellor

  副主任 vice? chairman

  教授 professor

  副教授 associate professor

  專職教師 full? time teacher

  兼職教師 part? time teacher

  輔導員 assistant for political and ideological work

  校友 alumnus; alumna

  學生會 students ’ union / association

  高年級學生 pupil/student in senior grades

  低年級學生 lower grade pupil/student ; pupil/student in junior grades

  走讀生 day student ; non  resident student

  住宿生 boarder

  旁聽生 auditor; guest student

  研究生 graduate student ; post - graduate(student)

  應屆畢業(yè)生 graduating student / pupil; this year ’ s graduates

  課程 course; curriculum

  必修課 required / compulsory course

  選修課 elective / optional course

  基礎課 basic course

  專業(yè)課 specialized course

  課程表 school timetable

  教學大綱 teaching program ; syllabus

  教學內(nèi)容 content of courses

  學習年限 period of schooling

  學歷 record of formal schooling

  學年 school / academic year

  學期 (school)term; semester

  學分 credit

  分數(shù) mark; grade

  五分制 the 5 - grade marking system

  百分制 100 - mark system

  學習成績 academic record; school record

  成績單 school report; report card ; transcript

  畢業(yè)論文 thesis; dissertation

  畢業(yè)實習 graduation field work

  畢業(yè)設計 graduation project

  畢業(yè)典禮 graduation ceremony; commencement

  畢業(yè)證書 diploma; graduation certificate

  畢業(yè)鑒定 graduation appraisal

  授予某人學位 to confer a degree on somebody

  升級 to be promoted to a higher grade

  留級 to repeat the year ’ s work; to stay down

  補考 make - up examination

  升學 to go to a school of a higher grade ; to enter a higher school

  升學率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade

  獎學金 scholarship

  ( 國家 ) 助學金 (state)stipend / subsidy

  領取助學金的學生 a grant - aided student

  伙食費 board expenses

  伙食補助 food allowance

  愛國主義教育 education in patriotism

  國際主義教育 education in internationalism

  集體主義教育 education in collectivism

  共產(chǎn)主義教育 education in communism

  共產(chǎn)主義道德品質 communist ethics

  政治思想教育 political and ideological education

  教書育人 to educate the person as well as impart book knowledge

  培養(yǎng)學生自學能力 to foster the students ’ ability to study on their own

  發(fā)揮學生主動性、創(chuàng)造性 to give scope to the students ’ initiative and creativeness

  書法 calligraphy

  挑燈夜戰(zhàn) burn the mid - night oil

  進修課 optional courses

  擴招 to expand their enrollment

  藍領階層 blue - collar workers

  高考 college entrance examination

  免試入學制 open admissions

  托兒所 nursery school

  激發(fā)靈感 spark inspiration

  小學 primary / elementary school

  中學 secondary school

  初中 junior high school

  高中 senior high school

  附中 attached middle school

  技校 technical school

  理工學院,科技大學 polytechnic institute

  重點中學 key school

  研究生院 graduate school

  文理學院 school of Arts and Sciences

  開放大學 open university

  私立學校 private school

  公立學院 public school

  教育工作者 ( 總稱 )teaching staff

  教育家 educationist / educator

  大學校長 president

  校長 headmaster( 女性為 headmistress)

  副校長 deputy headmaster / deputy head

  學校分院長,系主任 dean

  中學校長 principal

  專家 expert

  顧問 consultant

  講師 lecturer

  導師 adviser / mentor

  輔導老師 counselor

  實驗員 laboratory assistant / lab assistant

  私人老師,家庭教師 private tutor

  學士 Bachelor

  碩士 Master

  哲學博士 Doctor of Philosophy

  博士學位 doctorate

  普及教育 universal education

  校友 ( 男/女 )alumnus/alumna

  本科 undergraduate

  母校 Alma Mater

  教學設施 teaching facilities

  助學金 assistantship

  食宿 room and board

  禮堂 auditorium

  學習年限 period of schooling

  學分制 credit system

  分數(shù) mark/score/grade

  課程表 schedule(school timetable)

  個別指導 individual coaching(tutorial)

  英語晚會 English evening

  課外活動 extra - curricular activities

  社會調(diào)查 social investigation

  畢業(yè)典禮 graduation ceremony

  畢業(yè)證書 diploma (graduation certificate)

  校紀 school discipline

  出勤率 attendance / participation

  開除 expel sb. from school

  學費 tuition fee

  雜費 miscellaneous expenses

  講義夾 lecture portfolio

  半學年 semester

  學位 degree

  ??谱C書 associate diploma

  課程安排 course arrangement

  助教 teaching assistant

  人才市場 the talent market

  人才庫 a talent bank

  待崗 await job assignment

  人才儲備 reserve of talents

  帶薪假 a paid leave

  人才交流 talents exchange

  自謀生路 be self - employed

  人事調(diào)動 personnel transfer

  人力開發(fā) manpower development

  獵頭公司 a hunter company

  事業(yè)單位 public institutions

  評職稱 a professional evaluation

  跳槽 job - hopping

  畢業(yè)論文 project / thesis

  畢業(yè)評估 graduation appraisal

  考研熱 the craze for graduate school study

  現(xiàn)代思潮 modern school of thought

  復合型人才 interdisciplinary talents

  跨世紀人才 cross - century talents

  精神食糧 intellectual food

  胸懷抱負 entertain great ambitions

  保護知識產(chǎn)權 protect intellectual property

  待開發(fā)區(qū) development area

  發(fā)展中的世界 the developing world


  to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently


  Gear education to the needs of modernization, the world and the future.





班型 定向班型 開班時間 高定班 標準班 課程介紹 咨詢
秋季集訓 沖刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+專業(yè)課1對1+專業(yè)課定向輔導+協(xié)議加強課程(高定班)+專屬規(guī)劃答疑(高定班)+精細化答疑+復試資源(高定班)+復試課包(高定班)+復試指導(高定班)+復試班主任1v1服務(高定班)+復試面授密訓(高定班)+復試1v1(高定班)
2023集訓暢學 非定向(政英班/數(shù)政英班) 每月20日 22800起(協(xié)議班) 13800起 先行階在線課程+基礎階在線課程+強化階在線課程+真題階在線課程+沖刺階在線課程+專業(yè)課針對性一對一課程+班主任全程督學服務+全程規(guī)劃體系+全程測試體系+全程精細化答疑+擇校擇專業(yè)能力定位體系+全年關鍵環(huán)節(jié)指導體系+初試加強課+初試專屬服務+復試全科標準班服務


