
最后更新時間:2013-03-09 00:48:09
輔導課程:暑期集訓 在線咨詢
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  Text 2

  They have been writers and actors, entertainers and creators. They have won Academy Awards and received critical acclaim. They have graced the covers of magazines.

  In the arts and entertainment world, women have made a myriad of contributions to what we know as popular culture. Although many female celebrities may be known more for their figures than their talents, women remain more than just pretty faces. Women's History Month promises to take a look back at the influential female lives and legacies that have shaped our society.

  In this century alone, a number of famous females have made their artistic marks. In the literary world, women such as Sylvia Plath and Colette composed celebrated works, establishing themselves as creative writers to be reckoned with. Colette, a prolific French novelist, tackled weighty themes such as the woman's struggle for independence. Her catalog of works includes celebrated novels such as Cheri and The Pure and the Impure. Plath, renowned for her suicide as much as for her writing, wrote The Bell Jar as well as a wealth of poetry.

  Within the realm of fashion, influential designers such as Coco Chanel changed the face of female dressing. The Chanel name has become synonymous with high style. Coco invented the little black dress, perfected a trademark scent-Chanel No. 5-and became famous for her tweed suits and quilted handbags.

  Hollywood starlets such as Katharine Hepburn transformed the film world. She was known for her portrayal of strong, spirited females in her films, clearly embodying what it means to be an independent woman. As Hepburn once said, "I never realized until lately that women were supposed to be the inferior sex. "

  The music industry has also seen its share of barrier-breaking female stars. Women such as Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald endure as revered names within the jazz world. Similarly, Joan Baez took the folk music genre by storm. She was one of the most outspoken performers during the social turmoil of the 1960s, establishing herself not only as an acclaimed singer/songwriter but also as an activist for civil rights and nonviolence.

  Undeniably, women have contributed to our culture in immeasurable ways. From the silver screen to the record-store shelves, the most talented stars exhibit a wealth of creativity, a fan瞱inning charisma and a unique dedication to their respective crafts-and many of them also happen to be female.

  26. Who may be considered as a feminist writer according to the passage?

  [A] Sylvia Plath.[B] Colettle.

  [C] Both Plath and Colette.[D] Neither Plath nor Colette.

  27. From the passage, we can learn that Chanel No. 5 is .

  [A] a typical style of little black dress

  [B] a perfume marketed by Chanel

  [C] a high class way of life advocated by Coco

  [D] the chanel tweed suits and quilted handbags.

  28. By saying "women remain more than just pretty faces", the author means .

  [A] some women have nothing but pretty faces

  [B] beauty for many female celebrities is necessary

  [C] some women don't mange to be successful for beauty

  [D] each female celebrity has her own success story

  29. Joan Baez is called an outspoken performer because she .

  [A] stunned the world by the message her music expressed

  [B] was expressive for her performance on the stage

  [C] had to suffer the social turmoil of the 1960s

  [D] openly voiced her opinions on the major social issues

  30. Women's contributions to pop culture are NOT caused by .

  [A] their enthusiasm they have toward what they do

  [B] the physical appeal they have to the public

  [C] their understanding of the importance of pop culture

  [D] the display of their natural talents and gifts


班型 定向班型 開班時間 高定班 標準班 課程介紹 咨詢
秋季集訓 沖刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+專業(yè)課1對1+專業(yè)課定向輔導+協(xié)議加強課程(高定班)+專屬規(guī)劃答疑(高定班)+精細化答疑+復試資源(高定班)+復試課包(高定班)+復試指導(高定班)+復試班主任1v1服務(高定班)+復試面授密訓(高定班)+復試1v1(高定班)
2023集訓暢學 非定向(政英班/數(shù)政英班) 每月20日 22800起(協(xié)議班) 13800起 先行階在線課程+基礎階在線課程+強化階在線課程+真題階在線課程+沖刺階在線課程+專業(yè)課針對性一對一課程+班主任全程督學服務+全程規(guī)劃體系+全程測試體系+全程精細化答疑+擇校擇專業(yè)能力定位體系+全年關鍵環(huán)節(jié)指導體系+初試加強課+初試專屬服務+復試全科標準班服務


